Topics to Talk About With a Girl

Topics to Talk About With a Girl

Topics to talk about

We've all been in that situation where you are talking to someone, the conversation dies down, and you are both just sitting there as you try to think of a topic to talk about.

Definitely awkward. Merely hopefully these topics to talk about volition help you avoid that situation in the future. You can commit some of them to memory and y'all'll always have something to talk near.

Kickoff though, here are some general tips for a good conversation.

Conversation tips:

Make sure to ask lots of follow up questions related to their answers. Simply remember information technology'south a chat, non an interrogation. So when they ask you a question, make certain to give a long detailed answer and respond any follow up questions they ask you. Every chat should be a give and take of talking and listening.

Two topics that you WON'T discover on this list are organized religion and politics. And that is considering you probably shouldn't talk over these topics unless yous want to become into an argument with the person or make the person uncomfortable. Seriously, just don't.

And of course in that location are some people who might just non feel similar talking. Retrieve, if someone gives yous a lot of ane word answers, doesn't make eye contact, and doesn't inquire you any questions; that probably means they aren't in the mood for a conversation. In that instance it'southward better to but finish the conversation and leave them to their ain thoughts.

Okay, enough with the introduction and tips. Here nosotros get, topics to talk nearly. Enjoy!

I've separated the topics into sections (topics to become the conversation started, topics to get to know someone, tech topics, personal history, and random topics).

Under each topic are a few sample questions to get you started and to help yous think of other questions. But remember that these are only the beginning of the questions you tin can ask. In that location are many more possible questions for each topic. Come up with your ain questions based on their answers or from your own creativity.

Topics to get the chat started

These are your run of the mill, first meeting someone, topics to talk nigh. You'll find that most people will take at least some things to say about each of these topics.

One time you stumble upon something interesting or something they are interested in, keep talking about that for a while. Branch off from your initial topic and ask follow up questions about whatever they seem interested in. Commonly people similar talking virtually themselves, so it's ordinarily good to focus on them and be a good listener with occasional prompting follow up questions.

one. Current situation

Commonly the best way to start a conversation is to talk near your electric current state of affairs. The questions you'll inquire vary profoundly on where you are and what you are doing.

And so for example, if yous are waiting for something you might inquire how long they've been waiting. Or if you are at a bear witness or an event you lot might ask if they've seen the performer or speaker before. If you are traveling somewhere y'all might ask where the other person is headed. If you are at identify that is serving nutrient, talk virtually the nutrient. If there is music playing, talk nigh the music.

two. Chore / Piece of work

What practise you practise?

How long have yous worked at that place?

Do you similar it?

How are your coworkers?

What'due south the best / worst thing about being a (their job)?

3. Clothes

This one works best if you talk about what they are wearing. Peradventure try complementing a slice of article of clothing they are wearing that y'all like and ask where they got it.

4. News

What do you retrieve about (current news story)?

Did you hear about (news story)?

How much do you follow the news?

What do you think doesn't get enough news coverage?

What gets too much attention in the news?

How do you get your news?

5. Sports

Talking about sports

Practice you like (sport you like)?

What teams exercise you follow?

What was the last game you went to?

What practise you call back well-nigh (pop role player / team that is doing well)?

Do you play any sports?

Who do you think will win the (major sports event)?

6. Where they are living

Avoid asking exactly where they live. You don't demand to know their address. But go along it to general areas.

What part of (metropolis you are in) do you lot live in?

How do you like your neighborhood?

When did you motility there?

What'south the all-time matter about living in that role of boondocks?

vii. Not besides distant future

Only a heads up, this tin can sometimes make the person you are talking to retrieve yous want to brand plans with / date them.

What are your plans for the weekend?

Where are you planning to get for your next vacation?

Anything exciting going on this week?

Topics to get to know someone

These topics to talk nigh are bully for getting to know someone better. They are neat for when you've gone past the friendly introductory small talk and experience like you've made connection with the person.

8. Free time

What do you practise in your costless time?

How much gratuitous time do yous accept?

What do yous wish you had more fourth dimension for?

9. Music

What kind of music are you into?

What music did y'all like when you were younger?

What's your favorite band / vocaliser?

Take you been to whatever concerts recently?

What's your favorite album?

10. Movies

What type of movies do you like?

What's your favorite movie?

Who's your favorite player / extra / director?

What's the last movie y'all saw?

11. Food

What's your favorite nutrient / ethnic food / eatery / affair to cook / seasonal food?

Exercise yous like cooking?

How do you ordinarily find good restaurants?

What weird foods take yous tried?

12. Books

Do y'all like reading books?

What types of books practice you similar?

What's the final book y'all read?

What's your favorite book?

What book is overrated?

Are in that location any books you would really recommend I read?

thirteen. Tv

What shows do you watch?

What exercise yous recall about (popular TV evidence)?

Have you seen (Telly prove you like)?

What are some shows that ended that you were really into?

What show do I actually need to check out?

fourteen. Travel

Where take you lot been on holiday?

What did y'all like / dislike virtually (identify they traveled)?

Where do you wish you could go?

What place do I really need to come across?

What's your favorite place you've been?

15. Hobbies

Practice you have any hobbies?

How long have you been doing them?

How did you get started?

What mutual misconceptions practise people have most your hobby?

What hobbies did you have when you lot were younger?

sixteen. Children

This topic usually but works if yous both have children. So yous have something in common to talk about. If one of you doesn't accept children, you might want to skip this topic.

17. Pets

Are you lot a cat person or a dog person?

What do y'all remember about (animal) as a pet?

What pets have you had?

What pet would you like to take?

xviii. Restaurants

What good restaurants do you know of around here?

What's your go to eating place when you want to eat out but can't decide where to become?

What's your favorite (Mexican/ Thai / Vietnamese / etc.) eatery around hither?

What's your favorite pizza place near here?

xix. Current trends

What are some current trends yous just can't get backside?

What electric current trend is going to look the silliest in 10 years?

Practise you lot ordinarily follow trends or just do your ain thing?

20. Comedy / Humor

What kind of humor practice you lot have?

Are there any comedians you really like?

What are some of your favorite comedies?

21. Actors / Actresses

Who are some of your favorite actors or actresses?

What actor or actress will you lot watch no thing how bad the ratings for the film are?

Which actor or actress used to be actually pop just has fallen off the radar?

What actors or actresses merely play i graphic symbol in every movie they are in?

22. Learning / Studies

What kinds of things exercise you choice up easily?

What subjects were hardest for you in schoolhouse?

What kinds of things are you interested in learning more about?

Tech topics to talk about

Our lives are filled with tech. We are surrounded by it. So these tech topics to talk almost will probably appeal to whoever you are talking with fifty-fifty if they aren't super into tech.

That being said, if the person you are talking to seems a bit clueless about tech, you might want to switch to another topic.

23. Apps

What's your favorite app on your telephone?

What app do you spend the most fourth dimension on?

What app would you suggest everyone get?

What app do you lot wish y'all didn't have to use?

24. Internet

What do direction do y'all think the net is headed in?

What is the longest you lot've been offline?

What'due south on the cyberspace that you couldn't alive without?

25. Games

What game on your phone or tablet are you really into now?

What was the best mobile game you've played?

Exercise y'all like board or carte games?

How near console or PC games?

26. Virtual reality

What do you lot recollect would exist the about useful thing you lot could do with virtual reality?

What would be the most entertaining or interesting affair you could do with VR?

Practise you think that VR will become mainstream in the about hereafter?

27. Phones

What phone do you lot accept?

How do you like your phone?

How often practise you go a new phone?

What do you look for when you lot get a new phone?

How many phones have you lost or broken?

28. Privacy

How concerned about privacy are you?

Practice you remember all the hype about privacy is warranted?

29. Cocky-driving cars

Would you purchase a self-driving car if it was affordable?

Are you concerned most the rise of cocky-driving cars?

What will exist some of the benefits of self-driving cars?

Volition there be any drawbacks of self-driving cars?

30. Podcasts

This merely works if they or you are into Podcasts. But if they aren't yous tin can introduce them to some cool ones. If they are you can compare and brand recommendations / talk about the ones you have in common. If y'all don't know virtually podcasts, you should check them out. Whatsoever you are into, there is probably a podcast about information technology.

What podcast practise you ever start up as soon every bit it hits your feed?

What are some podcasts that you lot used to be into but you lot don't mind exercise anymore?

What kind of podcast would you commencement if you were given the chance?

31. Following on Social Media

What social media platform practise y'all spend the most time on?

Who is the virtually interesting person yous follow?

What kinds of people do you lot follow?

Who sometimes annoys you but you all the same follow them because they occasional put out something astonishing?

32. Websites

What websites do yous spend the nearly fourth dimension on?

What are some truly bizarre websites you've been to?

What is the near useful site you've used?

Personal history topics to talk about

These tin be bully "get to know you" topics to talk near, only they can too become very personal. So yous might want to relieve most of these for when you know a person a little bit better.

33. Where they grew up

What was your hometown like?

Did you lot enjoy where you grew up?

How much did where yous grew up shape you?

What were some of the best and worst things about where you grew up?

34. Things they were into

What games did you play as a child?

What kind of hobbies did you have when you lot were growing upwards?

What cartoons or shows did y'all watch when you were a child?

What fads or interests were yous really into when you lot were younger?

35. School

thepigeongazette - studying

Prototype source: The Pigeon Gazette

What was your uncomplicated / junior high / high school like?

Did y'all go to higher? What did you major in?

Where did you lot go to college / high school?

What kind of kid were you when you were in high schoolhouse?

36. Friends

Do you lot stay in bear upon with your old childhood friends?

What practice you usually do when you hang out with your friends?

Do you prefer having a lot of friends or just a few close ones?

How long have you known your best friend?

How did you and your best friend encounter?

37. Family unit

How many siblings exercise you lot take?

Do you live close to your family?

Do you nonetheless go to a lot of family gatherings?

What family traditions do you have?

38. Previous jobs

What kind of jobs accept you worked at?

What'due south the best / worst / most interesting job you've had?

What's the longest y'all've worked at a job?

39. Where they have lived

Where's the best / worst place y'all've lived?

What was your higher flat / dorm like?

xl. Accomplishments

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

What awards or trophies take you won?

What is the adjacent big affair you want to accomplish?

41. Clubs

I'm going to go with clubs you join. Simply if the person you are talking to is into clubbing you tin can talk nigh clubs they like to go to.

What clubs have y'all been a part of?

Where there whatsoever clubs you joined but so immediately realized it wasn't what you expected?

If you were to starting time a club, what kind of order would it be?

Random topics to talk about

These are topics that might seem a little weird to enquire someone you lot only met or to ask someone out of the blue. But they are slap-up topics to talk about for friends or people you've gotten to know well. They also work well if a person shows an interest in the topic.

42. Cars

What was the get-go car you lot endemic?

What car would y'all similar to have?

Do you like the car you lot accept now?

How long have y'all had your electric current auto?

43. Holidays

What were your favorite holidays when yous were a child?

How almost now, what are your favorite holidays now that you are older?

What holiday practise you wish existed?

What are your plans for (upcoming holiday)?

44. Coffee

Exercise you like coffee?

How many cups exercise you normally drinkable a solar day?

How do yous take your java?

Where do you ordinarily get your coffee fix?

What kind of coffee do yous usually order at a café?

How frequently exercise you go to a café?

45. Photography

Do yous take a lot of pictures?

What do you usually take pictures of?

Do you have a stand-lonely camera or do you usually just use your phone?

Do you use a selfie stick?

What are some of your favorite photos yous've taken?

46. The beach

Do yous like going to beaches?

How often do yous go to a beach?

What skilful / bad memories of beaches practice you take?

When was the concluding time you went to a beach?

What was the best / worst embankment you lot've been do?

What's your favorite affair to exercise at the beach?

47. Hiking

How often do you go on hikes?

Do you like hiking?

What was the well-nigh beautiful hike y'all've been on?

What was the longest hike you've done?

Where is the all-time place to get hiking almost you?

48. Aliens

Do you call up conflicting life exists?

How nigh intelligent alien life?

Do you think we'll find microscopic alien life in our own solar arrangement?

Do you call back that intelligent aliens have ever or will ever visit globe?

How different volition alien life be to life on Earth?

49. Change

How comfortable are you with change?

Do you think a lot of modify is healthy or unhealthy for a person?

What exercise you remember about the speed of alter happening in the world today?

What do you think has been the biggest alter that has happened in the final 50 years?

What even so needs to be changed?

fifty. Cooking

Are you good at cooking?

What are you the best at cooking?

What are yous the worst at cooking?

What was your nearly epic cooking failure?

Who is the best cook you know?

51. Talents and Skills

Is at that place anything you are naturally good at?

What do you wish you were amend at?

What are the most useful skills you have?

What skills would you like to learn?

What are some skills that you lot recall everyone should learn?

Do you have whatever unusual skills or talents?

52. Shopping

What practise you like / hate shopping for?

Where do you commonly shop for apparel / shoes / groceries?

How often do you window shop?

Do yous adopt shopping online or in person?

When shopping for apparel / shoes, practise you prefer to shop solitary or with other people?

53. Habits

What'south your best / worst habit?

Have y'all ever succeeded in breaking a bad habit?

What'southward a good addiction you lot'd like to kickoff?

What'southward a bad habit that you just can't seem to pause?

54. Goals

What are some things yous want to attain before you die?

What is the silliest goal yous take?

What goals accept you lot achieved so far?

How proficient are you at finishing what y'all start?

What goals have you realized just aren't going to happen?

55. Social media

Social media comic

Image source: Sarah Candersen

What social media platform do you use most often?

Which social media platforms practice you not get?

Are at that place whatsoever social media outlets that you lot don't like but have to exist on them because of friends or family?

How much fourth dimension practice you spend on social media?

56. Charity / Volunteering

Have you done any volunteering?

How did you like it?

Do y'all ever contribute to charities?

What charities do y'all recall are most worthwhile?

Exercise you call back whatsoever charities aren't worth supporting?

What kind of volunteer would yous similar to try?

57. Angling

When was the last time you went angling?

Do you like angling?

What was the biggest fish you have ever caught?

Who do yous go fishing with or do you become lone?

Where is your favorite identify to fish?

58. Languages

Do you know any other languages?

What words do you know in other languages?

What language exercise yous wish you could learn?

What is the nearly useful language to know?

What do you think about English language becoming the default language?

What exercise yous think would be the hardest language to learn?

59. Online dating

Accept you lot e'er tried a dating site or app? How did it go?

Practice y'all retrieve that online / app dating or more traditional ways of dating are better?

What do you remember could be done to better online dating and dating apps?

60. Super heroes

What practise you think nigh the inundation of super hero movies and TV shows?

Which super hero motion picture / Goggle box show is your favorite?

Did you read comics when y'all were a child?

Who is your favorite / least favorite super hero?

What super power would yous like to have?

61. Stress

What stresses you out the nigh?

How stressed are you on a daily footing?

What's the all-time way to relieve stress?

What'due south stressing y'all out these days?

What stresses you lot out only actually shouldn't?

62. Inventiveness

How creative are you?

What practise yous exercise that requires you lot to be artistic?

Is creativity something that tin exist learned?

Who is the well-nigh creative person you know?

How important is creativity for your job?

What profession requires the virtually creativity?

63. Heroes

Who did you look upwardly to every bit a child?

Who practise you look up to now?

Did you have any of your role models allow you down?

What is the nearly heroic profession?

What makes a person a proficient role model?

64. Happiness

When are you happiest?

What practise you recall leads to long term happiness?

Tin can a person learn to be happier?

What practise you exercise that makes yous happy in the short term but makes y'all unhappy in the long term?

Do you think people are happier on average now than they were in the past?

65. Advertising

What ads annoy you the most?

Do you think that advertising affects your buying choices?

What ads are the nigh effective?

What are some clever or funny ads you have seen?

Do you call up the internet would survive without advert?

66. Celebrities

Which celebrities do y'all like / dislike?

How much do yous follow news about celebrities?

Would you lot ever want to be famous?

Which celebrity has done the most good for society?

Which celebrity has done the most impairment to society?

What makes y'all like / dislike a celebrity?

67. Retirement

At what historic period would you like to retire?

What would you like to do one time you retire?

How practise you lot think you'll adapt to retirement?

Where would you similar settle down after you retire?

How has retirement inverse over the years?

68. Stereotypes

How authentic practise you recall stereotypes are?

What stereotypes apply to you? Do you call up they are accurate?

What are some positive stereotypes?

Why do you retrieve stereotypes are and so common?

What stereotypes are the most hurtful?

69. Corruption

How widespread is corruption in your state / state / city / job?

What practice you lot think is the most common type of corruption?

What is the near dangerous blazon of corruption?

What are some of the worst instances of corruption you've heard near?

seventy. Weather

Yeah, information technology'southward a bit cliche but sometimes information technology works well!

What's your favorite blazon of weather?

What exercise yous like to practice on rainy days?

What is the best thing do on hot / cold / sunny / windy days?

What'south the worst storm you lot've been through?

Where practise yous think the best place to live is for the type of weather condition you similar?

71. The distant future

What exercise you recollect life will be similar in 10 / 25 / 50 / 100 years?

Practise you think humanity is headed in a skilful direction?

What discovery could be made that would completely modify the course of humanity?

How long would y'all like to live?

72. Driving

What's your favorite / least favorite place to drive?

How is your commute?

Practise y'all commonly listen to music, talk radio, podcasts, or silence while driving?

What's the best road trip you've been on?

73. Parks / National Parks

You tin make this 1 about neighborhood parks or national parks, whatever works best for your state of affairs.

How often do y'all become to parks?

Are there a lot of parks around where you live?

Where is the all-time park yous've been to?

What do you usually practise when y'all are at a park?

74. Space

Given the chance, would yous get to colonize Mars if you knew you would never be coming back to Earth?

Do y'all think there are intelligent aliens in our galaxy?

If you could accept a faster than light space ship and could get anywhere in infinite, where would you lot go?

75. Animals

What is your spirit brute?

As well dogs or domestic cats do you lot have any favorite animals?

What is the coolest thing you've seen an animal do?

76. Aging

How old practise you want to live to?

Do yous call up younger or older people are happier? Why?

What is the perfect age to be?

77. Crafts

What kind of crafts take you done?

Are you good with your easily?

What habitation improvement projection would you similar to attempt?

What is the coolest thing you've made?

78. Exercise / Beingness agile

This topic might go over better if the person yous are talking to looks similar they live an active lifestyle.

What do you do to stay active?

Exercise y'all similar exercising or lifting weights?

What's your favorite outdoor action?

79. Drinking

These questions are about alcoholic drinks, but if the person you are talking about doesn't drink I guess you could nonetheless talk about non-alcoholic drinks.

What's your favorite drink?

Do yous usually become out or have friends over when yous have a few drinks?

Do yous like beer or cocktails more? What types?

80. Googling

What comes upward when yous Google your name?

What is the weirdest matter you've Googled?

How bad would information technology be if you Google search results were made public?

81. Camping

How often exercise you lot go camping ground?

Where have you been camping ground?

What was your best / worst camping ground trip?

What practise you usually take with you when you go camping?

82. Ice cream

What'south your favorite flavor?

What's your favorite ice cream make or shop?

Where was your best ice cream experience?

83. Fashion

Do you try to keep up with the latest manner?

Where do yous usually shop for clothes at? Why there?

How would you lot describe your look?

84. Luck

Who is the luckiest / unluckiest person you know?

Do you think some people are born lucky or do you think people brand their ain luck?

What was the luckiest thing that happened to yous?

Do you take whatever good luck charms or rituals?

85. Sleep

How much sleep practise you need to office? Do you unremarkably become more or less than that?

What's your clandestine for getting a good dark'southward sleep?

What'south the longest you've gone without sleeping?

86. Dancing

How practiced of a dancer are you lot?

Where do you unremarkably dance?

If you could master whatever grade of dancing, what type of dancing would you master?

87. Singing

Have y'all ever done karaoke? What's your get to song?

Practise yous sing in the car while y'all are listening to music?

How skillful of a singer are you?

Do you think people are born good singers or can someone larn to be a good singer?

88. Fixing things

What was the concluding thing y'all fixed?

How good are you at fixing things?

What did you try to gear up simply it ended up just making information technology worse?

89. Culture / Sub cultures

What civilisation practice y'all identify most with?

What's the all-time and worst thing about pop civilisation?

What kind of culture did you abound up in?

ninety. Art

What kind of art do you like?

Exercise you ever go to fine art museums?

What do you think of modern art?

What is the coolest piece of art you've seen?

91. Cards

Do y'all like playing cards? What kind of games practice you know how to play?

Take you e'er won money playing cards?

How often do yous play cards?

92. Brands

Practise yous have any brands that you are really loyal to?

What brands are not worth the extra coin they accuse? What brands are worth the extra money?

What brand has seriously gone downhill?

93. Nature

What's your favorite natural setting to exist in?

How often exercise you get out into nature?

What'south the farthest you've been from civilization?

94. Fruit

What'due south your favorite / least favorite fruit?

What fruit flavor do you love simply aren't crazy about the actual fruit?

What fruit is the biggest pain to swallow?

95. Plants / gardening

How practiced are you lot at taking intendance of plants?

Accept you ever had a garden? Would you like to have a garden?

What'south the coolest looking found you've seen?

How oftentimes practice you go to botanical gardens?

96. Swimming

Tin you swim? How did you acquire?

Do you go pond often? Where do you commonly get swimming?

Where is the nearly beautiful / dirtiest place you've swum?

97. Facts

What's the nearly interesting fact you know?

Are there any facts you learned that caused you lot to alter how you lived your life?

What are some things that are bandied about equally facts merely aren't true?

98. Pet peeves

What kind of things get on your nerves more than they should?

What small things practise you lot consider rude?

What does your friend / coworker / roommate that bugs you to no end?

99. Musical instruments

Can you play whatsoever musical instruments?

What musical instruments have you tried playing?

If you could play whatever musical musical instrument like a master without any effort, what musical instrument would you lot choose?

100. Fame

Would you want to be famous?

What level of popularity practice people have to have to be considered famous?

What are the biggest upsides and downsides of beingness famous?

101. History

How long do you think you would have survived in prehistoric times?

What is the nearly interesting flow of history?

What's the about important lesson people can learn from history?

What historical figure was not equally great equally people think they are?

Boosted resources

If you'd like some tips on starting and maintaining a chat, here is a skilful chat guide. They have a paid form equally well, not sure how expert it is since I haven't tried it, simply the free guide I linked to is pretty skilful.

Need even more than topics to talk almost?

Interesting chat topics – More topics to talk well-nigh and these have a lot more questions for each topic.

Trivia questions – Sometimes some fun trivia can first a expert chat.

Conversation starters – More than 250 conversation questions if you get stuck.

Questions to ask a girl – Are you talking with a daughter? Well, these questions are perfect for getting a adept chat going.

Questions to ask a guy – The questions on this page actually good for starting a conversation with a guy. Have a look there are enough to choose from.

350 Questions to enquire – Demand some more questions? With so many you'll be able to discover that perfect question.

Topics to Talk About With a Girl

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